Getting Started

  • You should have received an email with the link to the respective portal along with your user name and password. If not, please go to (NOTE: Google Chrome Browser is recommended) to enter your provided user name and password.
  • When logging in for the first time, you will see a page similar to this:
  • Please type in your old password and a new password you will remember.
  • Click save in the upper right corner to continue.
  • Once logged in, you should see a screen that looks similar to this
  • From here you can view all reports associated with your facility using the tabs on the top tool bar.
  • Or you can look up a specific patient by clicking on ‘Patients’ on the left tool bar.
  • When the “Accessioning” tab is selected, reports are sorted by “New Reports”, “Pending Lab Work”, “Rejected”, “Cancelled” or “Missing Data” reports. Alternatively select the “All Reports tab to see all submitted samples in one window.